This picture with the floating poppy brings with it a touch of the great outdoors. The unusual depiction of the classic motif emphasizes the delicacy of the flower. With this art picture, you will dwell on dreamy fantasies and pure joie de vivre every day, which will certainly be transferred to every viewer.
The poppy, often seen as a symbol of transience, seems to rise up from its fate at this moment, almost weightlessly, as if it were flying. The transparency of its petals reminds us that even the most delicate things in nature have a strength that touches our hearts.

The technique behind the work
This work is the result of a deliberate, experimental technique that gives the poppy landscape a new dimension. Unlike classic nature photography, “Flying Poppy” is not a depiction of what is seen, but an interpretation of the moment. The picture was taken by deliberately moving the camera during a slightly longer exposure time. This deliberate approach gives the image a dynamic blur that creates the impression of a field of poppies dancing. Another unique aspect of this work is that it was shot on analog slide color film. The effect of the image was therefore created purely in the camera - without filters or retouching. This makes the work authentic and sets it apart from the often digital nature of modern photography.
This artwork is available in a limited edition. Please contact me.

Creative Greetings,