There is a magical atmosphere as I enter the cloud forest. A green paradise! I pause, breathe the humid and fresh air, admire primeval trees, tree ferns, moss, epiphytes and hanging lianas.

Wafts of fog rise between the plants, it drips from the treetops and birdsong can be heard from different directions. Silent and amazed I roam through this green thicket. Always attentively looking for an ideal angle for a shot.
Photography in the dense rainforest is incredibly demanding and challenging. Jungle photography is probably the most difficult discipline in landscape photography. It demands all senses and experiences. Normal rules or procedures are mostly not possible and the fine details, potential angles in this lush vegetation are rare or have to be found first. It requires full focus and concentration. I'm only on the road with my favorite equipment, the analogue panorama camera. This is mainly for visual and technical reasons. It really is like "painting with light": real and unadulterated. This forest is constantly in motion. Fog, wind, rain, sun - many things change within seconds. I set up the camera and feel the image. Then I wait for the moment, measure the light, then press the shutter button and count the seconds of the exposure while continuing to breathe deeply of the pure air.
This is the first image in the art series MONTEVERDE. The whole series is available here discover.

EXHIBITION: "Wine meets art
All five pictures of the MONTEVERDE picture series will be shown at the exhibition Wine meets Art on Räbfescht from 19./20. Shown Aug 2023.
I look forward to visiting the exhibition or contacting you if you are interested in any of these images.
Best regards,